The only place your blog should live (and why)
Here I take a look at why the best place to host your blog posts is on your own website. Some of the other platforms are great, but they’re not the best when we’re thinking about small business marketing!
Top 5 tips for crafting compelling blog posts
Discover my top 5 tips to help you create compelling blog posts that will captivate your audience and drive your marketing results
Repurpose your blog posts: How to eek every bit of value from each article you write
Don’t leave your blog posts gathering dust on your website. Squeeze every bit of value out of your articles by repurposing the content and using them in clever ways.
Does your blog do this?
When used in the right way your blog can bring you all kinds of results. Here I look at some of my favourite ones!
How using subheadings in your blog post benefits you and your readers
Discover why it’s so important to include subheadings in your blog posts if you want to effectively use your blog as a marketing tool.