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Repurpose your blog posts: How to eek every bit of value from each article you write

After putting all of that time and effort into writing your blog post, it’s such a shame to let any of the potential value you’ve created go to waste.  

People are often surprised by how much promotional activity you can get out of one blog post beyond the initial “new article” announcement. And, thankfully it’s pretty easy to do once you know how! 

Create bags of content for your marketing channels 

Everyone (I hope!) does the obligatory social post and email to their mailing list announcing the publication of each new blog post they create. But, the mistake most people make is stopping there.  

The truth is that each blog article can, and should, be used repeatedly, and in different ways, to fill your marketing plan with valuable content all month long. Here are a few ideas: 

  • Remind people of the article or check if they saw it a week later, a month later or even a year later. Please don’t fall into the trap of telling your audience once about an article and leaving it to gather dust on your website. And, remember not everyone will have seen the initial announcement due to those pesky algorithms.  

  • Use a stat or fact to create an interesting post.

  • Tell your audience about how the article has been received by those who have read it.

Turn your written word into a different format 

Whether you had to do a ton of research in order to write your blog post, or it was more a matter of sifting through your expertise and organising your thoughts, you’ve now got a full and coherent explanation of the topic in question. So, why not make maximum use of that time and effort spent compiling the info and turn it into more than one medium? 

  • Make an infographic to quickly explain the main points of the article, or to demonstrate an explanation for those whose brain works in a more visual way. These can be added to the original article and also shared as separate pieces of content.  

  • Create a video or go live on social media. You could do a verbal presentation of your article, explain a point from in it in more detail or even do a quick intro to the article to get your audience’s attention.  

  • Turn it into a podcast. If you have a podcast, you could create an episode using the content of your blog post as the starting point. You could go into more detail about the subject than you have in the article or even interview another expert who can add more to the topic.  

Remember that different people find it easier to absorb information in different ways. I always find myself reading articles and skipping over videos, but other people will be the exact opposite of me.  

Use your blog articles to create bigger things! 

Much like when the Power Rangers come together to make the Megazord (showing my age here, aren’t I!), you can use a collection of your blog articles together as the basis for something bigger that you may not otherwise find the time to produce. Examples include: 

  • The quickest and easiest option is using the blog articles as an automated email sequence or lead magnet to help build your mailing list.  

  • Build the information out and write a white paper, pamphlet, or book. This could be something people download from your website, or you could go down the self-publishing route. 

  • Use the content from the articles as the basis of a training course or webinar. Build it out with actions and more in-depth explanations as needed.  

Make it happen 

Hopefully this article has given you an idea of how easy it is to eek almost continuous value and marketing potential out of each blog post you write. The hurdle for most people now is actually remembering to do it! 

Planning your content for each month ahead of time means you can figure out how you’re going to make use of each post you write and even schedule it in so you don’t have to think about it again. I create a repurposing timetable for my clients to help make this even easier.  

The way I do is it is by using the day that the blog is published as day one, I then set flexible rules on when to publish the additional content generated from that article—for example, day five post X, day seven post Y, day 12 post Z. 

If you’d like to find out how else I can help you get the most value out of your blog and turn it into your most powerful marketing tool then get in touch.